Kamagra (Sildenafil Citrate)

Packages: 50/100 mg
Kamagra: Kamagra (Ajanta Pharma Limited.)
Package | Price | Currency: |
100 mg × 360 pills | $ 838.90 $ 643.90 Per Pill: $ 1.79 | |
100 mg × 272 pills | $ 663.90 $ 508.90 Per Pill: $ 1.87 | |
100 mg × 180 pills | $ 458.90 $ 351.90 Per Pill: $ 1.95 | |
100 mg × 120 pills | $ 318.90 $ 243.90 Per Pill: $ 2.03 | |
100 mg × 92 pills | $ 256.90 $ 195.90 Per Pill: $ 2.13 | |
100 mg × 60 pills | $ 174.90 $ 132.90 Per Pill: $ 2.22 | |
100 mg × 32 pills | $ 98.90 $ 74.90 Per Pill: $ 2.34 | |
100 mg × 20 pills | $ 81.90 $ 61.90 Per Pill: $ 3.09 | |
100 mg × 12 pills | $ 67.90 $ 50.90 Per Pill: $ 4.24 |
Package | Price | Currency: |
50 mg × 120 pills | $ 235.90 $ 179.90 Per Pill: $ 1.50 | |
50 mg × 92 pills | $ 193.90 $ 147.90 Per Pill: $ 1.61 | |
50 mg × 60 pills | $ 140.90 $ 106.90 Per Pill: $ 1.78 | |
50 mg × 32 pills | $ 88.90 $ 66.90 Per Pill: $ 2.09 | |
50 mg × 20 pills | $ 78.90 $ 58.90 Per Pill: $ 2.94 | |
50 mg × 12 pills | $ 65.90 $ 48.90 Per Pill: $ 4.08 |
Operating substance Kamagra is sildenafil citrate. The structure includes also some other (inactive) components. Tablets of bluish color in the form of a rhombus with the approximated forms.
Marks are put on them in the form of letters AP on the one hand and in the form of letters KGR on the other hand. They are delivered in packing with the blister containing 4 tablets. Kamagra are made by company AJANTA PHARMA LIMITED, INDIA.
Kamagra is the first representative of new group medicinal the means, allowing to achieve adequate sexual stimulation, expanding blood vessels of a penis and promoting achievement erection. Kamagra it is not necessary to apply to who has an allergic reaction on sildenafil citrate. It can't be accepted, if you accept the preparations being aid donors of an oxide of nitrogen or containing nitrates. Such preparations are used (along with other preparations) in certain cases, for example, for quinsy treatment. Most widely used preparation with nitrates is nitroglycerine, and also izosorbid-dinitrat and isosorbide mononitrate.
If you were ill with quinsy and aren't assured, whether contain your medicines listed above a substance, consult with the doctor before to accept a medicine. For the majority of men the adequate dose makes 50 mg 1 hour prior to planned sexual intercourse. It is not necessary to accept more than once in day. Kamagra gives necessary effect only in the presence of sexual excitation. Isn't aphrodisiac. Preparation action begins is shown through time which can make from 30 minutes till 1,5 o'clock. After plentiful meal preparation action can begin later. Before reception of tablets it is not recommended to use an alcohol considerable quantity. It is necessary to do Any changes in a preparation dosage only under the recommendation of the doctor treating you.
The understanding of the mechanisms of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and ischemia-perfusion is necessary to improve techniques of preservation and exclusion of its influence on graft survival and patients in the long term. Among the ways of combating ischemia-reperfusion complications, preservation of the graft in the apparatus for reperfusion showed its advantage, as in biological and clinical terms. Principles and results of renal perfusion is described in this article.
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In my own experience more than 300 operations, we came to the conclusion that the preservation of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and the vein of the VAS deferens is not a cause of varicocele recurrence, but rather contributes to the restoration of venous outflow from the testicles.
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The understanding of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and the mechanisms of ischemia-perfusion is necessary to improve techniques of preservation and exclusion of its influence on graft survival and patients in the long term. Among the ways of combating ischemia-reperfusion complications, preservation of the graft in the apparatus for reperfusion showed its advantage, as in biological and clinical terms. Principles and results of renal perfusion is described in this article.
The prevalence of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and urolithiasis (ICD) remains high, and the quality of medical care is often insufficient. The use of mathematical analysis and modern information technologies can be useful to choose the method and prognosis of outcomes in ICD that allows to increase its efficiency. The present study presents the results of applying neural network analysis when choosing a method of treatment of ICD.
For the period from January 2016 to December 2018 retroperitoneoscopic decortication of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and renal cysts was performed in 78 patients. Men were 56 (72 %), female - 22 (28 %). The average age of patients was 46.6 - 4.6 years (range 32 to 67 years). The reasons for the treatment of patients to a urologist was pain in the lumbar region on the affected side (n = 67), urinary tract infection (n = 12), hypertension (n = 5) and hematuria (n = 4). After a previously performed sclerotherapy cysts of the kidneys recurrence was found in 12 (15 %) patients. Before surgery all patients underwent renal ultrasonography, intravenous urography, magnetic resonance imaging was used in doubt of the benign nature of the cyst. The average size of cysts was 9.8 - 5.8 cm (range from 6 to 20 cm). Cysts were located in the lower segment in 16 (20,5 %) patients, in the middle segment, in 37 (47,4 %) patients and in the top - 25 (32 %) cases.
The complication rate is higher in adult patients after implementation of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and TIPU in comparison with children, these differences were statistically significant in the distal forms of hypospadias. Important prognostic factors affecting the outcome of the transaction were: the severity of hypospadias, the quality of the spongy body, the width of the urethral plate.
Currently, there is a high prevalence of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and chronic prostatitis. The symptoms of this disease, according to different sources, are observed in 30 to 75 % of the male population. Mainly help treat men of the most productive and reproductive age - 20 to 45 years. Patients often psychological, emotional, behavioral and cognitive problems, reduced performance, impaired social adaptation, forcing them to repeatedly seek medical help. Chronic prostatitis affects sexual function, disrupts family relationships and reduces the quality of life of men.
We retrospectively analyzed data from 22 patients with neurogenic dysfunction of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and the bladder who underwent BTI in our clinic during the period from 2010. We have evaluated various clinical parameters: demographic data, use of anticholinergics, the presence of repatterned to holinolitikam or intolerance, the dosage of BTI, urodynamic data and continence.
The majority (83,9%) of the surveyed men had primary infertility, 308 (16.1%) of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and patients had one or more children. The 307 (16%) of men with primary infertility in the past history was the pregnancy of the couple, but not ended with the birth of a child. 25% of patients noted a progressive deterioration in semen for several years.
Second look nephroscopy without anesthesia was performed in 32 (55 %) cases the level of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and pain < 3. Intravenous anesthesia was required in 26 (45 %) patients the level of pain > 3. SFR when using polarising ureteroscope was 67 %, when using a flexible ureteroscope - 89 %. Duration of hospitalization after a Second Look of nephroscope not exceed two days
With 01.11.2017 for 14.03.2019 were 37 patients with venogenic erectile dysfunction. The survey included: 1) assessing the patient's status with ICEF-5, 2) ultrasound examination of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and the scrotum with DRC, 3) transrectal ultrasound examination, 4) ultrasonic pharmacotherapy of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and the penis, 5) MRI of the inferior Vena cava and pelvic vessels, 6) dynamic pharmacyvardenafil. Indications for embolization of the prostatic plexus were: 1) ICEF-5 from 5 to 20 points, 2) pathological venous drainage from the corpora cavernosa of the penis. The indications for angioplasty and stenting of iliac veins were: 1) symptoms from the pelvic organs (pain, dysuria, erectile dysfunction), 2) bilateral and/or recurrent varicocele, 3) varicose veins of the prostate II III extent (the maximum diameter of the prostatic plexus of veins >5 mm), and 4) compression of the iliac veins by MRI and venography, 5) the presence of collateral circulation according the iliac veins, phlebography, 6) the pressure gradient in areas distal to and proximal to the stenosis according direct flavomaculata not less than 4 mm Hg. article
In the structure of all acute diseases and injuries of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and the scrotum in children traumatic injuries was 7.2 % (91 of 1252 patients). In the structure of closed injuries of the scrotum were mostly soft tissue injuries not requiring surgical intervention. Of the 91 patients was 43 with a bruise of soft tissues of the scrotum, bruising of shell eggs, 22 with post-traumatic epididymitis, a bruised testicle was in 15 cases, the rupture of the egg - in 10 patients, the gap appendage - 1.
Performed a bibliographic search in the databases Medline and Embase by using key words and their combinations: kidney transplantation, Pediatrics, specificity, results. Articles were selected according to their methodology, the language of publication (English/French), attitude to the subject and date of kamagra oral jelly ajanta pharma limited and publication. Considered only prospective or retrospective French and English studies, literature review, meta-analysis and recommendations (2608 items). After selection by title and conclusions were only 18 articles.